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How to Learn About the Different Kinds of MVPs

The term “MVP” is important in fast-paced entrepreneurship and product development. MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, has been popular in recent years. It helps entrepreneurs and businesses launch products fast while reducing risks and expenses. All MVPs are not made equal. Different MVPs are designed for different aims and situations.

Understanding the MVP Concept

Before delving into the different types of MVPs, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of what an MVP is and why it’s crucial for product development.

What Is an MVP?

An MVP is the most basic version of a product that allows you to test your core hypothesis with the least effort. It’s not a fully-featured product but rather a minimalistic version that helps you validate your assumptions, gather user feedback, and iterate based on that feedback.

Why Use an MVP?

Using an MVP approach has several benefits, including:

Cost Reduction: By developing a scaled-down version of your product, you minimize development costs and save resources.

Faster Time to Market: MVPs enable you to launch quickly, allowing you to seize opportunities and enter the market ahead of competitors.

Risk Mitigation: By testing your concept with real users early in the process, you reduce the risk of building a product that no one wants or needs.

Iterative Improvement: MVPs facilitate the collection of valuable user feedback, which can be used to refine and improve your product over time.

Common Misconceptions about MVPs

There are a few misconceptions about MVPs that need to be clarified:

  • An MVP is not a half-baked product. It should still provide value to users.
  • It’s not an excuse for sloppy work. Quality and user experience matter, even in an MVP.
  • An MVP is not necessarily the smallest or simplest version of a product but rather the version that tests your core hypothesis effectively.

Types of MVPs

Now that you have a solid understanding of what an MVP is, let’s explore the various types of MVPs and when to use them.

Explainer Video MVP

An explainer video MVP is a concise video that explains your product or concept. It’s an excellent choice when your idea is challenging to visualize or when building a functional prototype would be too time-consuming or costly.

Use Cases:

  • When your product is a mobile app or software.
  • When you want to gauge interest and gather early adopters.

Wizard of Oz MVP

In a Wizard of Oz MVP, you create the illusion of a fully automated product by manually performing tasks in the background. Users interact with the product as if it were automated, but in reality, it’s operated manually.

Use Cases:

  • When building a fully functional product would be impractical or expensive.
  • When you want to test the market’s reaction to your concept quickly.

Landing Page MVP

A landing page MVP is a simple web page that describes your product and its benefits. It often includes a call-to-action (CTA) like signing up or providing an email address to express interest.

Use Cases:

  • When you want to validate demand before building the product.
  • When you need to build an email list of potential customers.

Piecemeal MVP

A piecemeal MVP involves manually cobbling together existing tools and technologies to create a makeshift solution. It’s a pragmatic approach when the necessary technology or infrastructure isn’t readily available.

Use Cases:

  • When you want to test a unique combination of features.
  • When building a custom solution from scratch isn’t feasible.

Concierge MVP

A concierge MVP provides a personalized experience for a limited number of users, with a human (the “concierge”) fulfilling all product-related tasks. It’s a way to simulate the final product’s functionality.

Use Cases:

  • When you need to understand user behavior and preferences in-depth.
  • When you want to refine your offering based on direct customer interactions.

Smoke Test MVP

A smoke test MVP involves creating a landing page or a product page for a product that doesn’t exist yet. Users can express interest or pre-order, and their responses gauge demand.

Use Cases:

  • When you want to validate demand before investing in development.
  • When you need to secure funding based on interest.

Single-Feature MVP

A single-feature MVP focuses on developing and testing one core feature or functionality of your product. This approach is useful for understanding how a specific aspect of your product resonates with users.

Use Cases:

  • When you have a feature that sets your product apart from competitors.
  • When you want to prioritize development efforts efficiently.

Crowdfunding MVP

If you’re looking to raise funds for your product, a crowdfunding MVP involves creating a compelling campaign on a platform like Kickstarter or Indiegogo. People can pledge money to support your idea, providing both funding and validation.

Use Cases:

  • When you need to secure financial backing for development.
  • When you want to gauge public interest in your product.

How to Learn About Different Kinds of MVPs

Now that you’re familiar with various MVP types, it’s time to explore how to learn about them effectively and make informed decisions for your specific project.

1. Read Books and Articles

Start by reading books, articles, and blog posts that discuss MVPs and their different types. Notable resources include “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries and various online articles about MVP strategies.

2. Take Online Courses

Many online platforms offer courses on product development and MVP strategies. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer courses that cover these topics in depth.

3. Attend Workshops and Webinars

Look for workshops, webinars, and seminars related to MVPs and product development in your area or online. These events often provide hands-on experience and insights from industry experts.

4. Join Startup Incubators and Accelerators

Startup incubators and accelerators often provide mentorship and guidance on MVP development. They can connect you with experienced entrepreneurs who have successfully navigated the MVP process.

5. Learn from Case Studies

Case studies of successful startups and their MVP journeys can be invaluable learning resources. Analyze how these companies applied different MVP types to achieve their goals.

6. Network with Entrepreneurs

Networking with fellow entrepreneurs and product developers can provide practical insights and real-world experiences. Attend networking events, join startup communities, and engage in discussions online.

7. Experiment and Iterate

The best way to learn about MVPs is through hands-on experience. Start with a simple project and experiment with different MVP types. Be open to failure and learn from your mistakes.

8. Seek Feedback

Throughout your MVP journey, actively seek feedback from users, mentors, and peers. Constructive feedback is invaluable for refining your MVP strategy.

9. Stay Updated

The world of MVPs and product development is continuously evolving. Stay updated with the latest trends, tools, and techniques by following industry blogs, podcasts, and newsletters.

Common Challenges and Pitfalls

As you explore different types of MVPs and learn about their applications, it’s essential to be aware of common challenges and pitfalls:

Overengineering the MVP

Avoid the temptation to make your MVP too complex. Remember that the goal is to test your core hypothesis with minimal effort. Overengineering can lead to higher costs and longer development times.

Misinterpreting User Feedback

Interpreting user feedback accurately is crucial. Don’t assume that what users say is what they actually need. Dig deeper to understand the underlying problems and preferences.

Lack of Clear Hypothesis

Before building an MVP, define a clear hypothesis that you want to test. Without a well-defined hypothesis, you risk creating an MVP without a specific goal.

Ignoring Technical Debt

While MVPs prioritize speed, it’s essential to address technical debt responsibly. Ignoring it can lead to long-term problems and costly rework in the future.

Falling in Love with Your Idea

Entrepreneurs often become emotionally attached to their ideas. Be open to the possibility that your initial concept may need to evolve or pivot based on feedback and market response.

Case Studies of Successful MVPs

To reinforce your understanding of MVPs and their various types, let’s explore a few real-world case studies of successful MVPs.

1. Dropbox

Dropbox, a cloud storage service, started with a simple explainer video MVP. The video demonstrated the concept of syncing files across devices, and it garnered significant interest, helping the company secure funding and develop the product.

2. Zappos

Zappos, an online shoe and clothing retailer, used a concierge MVP approach when it first started. Founder Tony Hsieh manually handled customer orders, providing a high level of personalized service. This MVP allowed them to validate the demand for an online shoe store.

3. Groupon

Groupon, a deals and discounts platform, began with a landing page MVP. The founders created a basic website offering daily deals and collected email addresses from interested users. The overwhelming response indicated demand, and the company then built the platform.

4. Buffer

Buffer, a social media management tool, used a piecemeal MVP approach. Instead of building a full-featured product, they initially created a basic interface that allowed users to schedule posts on multiple social networks. Behind the scenes, the team manually executed these scheduled posts.


Entrepreneurs, product managers, and developers should learn about MVP types. MVPs are pragmatic about implementing ideas, testing hypotheses, and reducing risks. Understand MVP kinds, their goals, and how to learn about them to make informed decisions that accelerate your product development journey and boost your chances of producing a successful, user-focused product. Every product is different, thus the best MVP method relies on your goals, resources, and audience. In the fascinating world of MVPs, explore, listen, and adapt.